Mission Statement
Keep Longview Beautiful will educate and engage our community to take responsibility for improving their environment through litter prevention, beautification and waste reduction.
Litter Prevention
Litter attracts litter and is a serious environmental issue. Individuals are more likely to litter in a dirty area. By contrast, a clean community discourages littering and greatly improves overall quality of life. Changing a common behavior, like littering, starts with you. Each person must accept responsibility for their actions and influence the acts of others at home, at school, in your place of business, and in the community at large.
Keep Longview Beautiful continues to monitor roadside trash in Longview with the annual Community Appearance Index. Designed by Keep America Beautiful, this tool visually assesses the overall appearance of a community through indicators such as litter, illegal signs, graffiti, abandoned vehicles and outside storage. A team of community, business and government representatives conducts the analysis using a scoring system ranging from 1-4 with ‘1’ being the best and ‘4’ being the worst.
Is beauty a characteristic? Is it perceptual for you? Have you had a beautiful experience? Perhaps you admire some one or something and to you, that is beauty. Whatever your eye beholds as beauty we hope you share your harmony and balance within Longview.
Waste Reduction
We know, we know….the big question:
It’s easy, we promise!
- ALL clean paper and cardboard
- ALL clean plastic
- ALL clean metal (aluminum, steel, tin)
So go ahead…do it because it’s right and easy…RECYCLE
Love Longview
Love Longview LOVE Longview is an environmental campaign that helps our community be a premiere destination…
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Longview Green & Clean Recycle Drop Off & Community Wide Clean Up! Calling all zealous individuals…
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ART from the heART Keep Longview Beautiful helps to educate and engage our community to take…
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Judson Median Keep Longview Beautiful has long sustained the traffic median at the confluence of Judson…
Read MoreDowntown Corners
Downtown Corners Summer and fall seasons find the corners around Downtown a beautiful site indeed…
Read MoreCommunity Tree Project
Community Tree Project The Community Tree Project was started on February 2, 2013. A combined thirty-one…
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Downtown Flower Pots In an effort to beautify the historic heart of our community the Board…
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Recycle Bins on Heritage Plaza Heritage Plaza is the original site of The Gregg Hotel which…
Read MoreLove Letters
What is your fulfilling LOVE Longview story? What makes the work meaningful to your group?
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Litter Index Involving community representatives in the process is important to achieve partnership solutions and to…
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