Beautification Awards
Keep Longview Beautiful has a long standing tradition of recognizing community minded leaders for beautification efforts. Those that go above and beyond to keep their business, industry, college, church or political subdivisions clean, maintained and landscaped are eligible. Check out our award criteria or let us know about a beautiful and deserving property!
Quarterly Awards
- All businesses located within the City of Longview are eligible for consideration.
- One location from each quadrant (N, S, E, W) of the City of Longview will be chosen quarterly to be presented with a Beautification Award.
- Eligibility will be judged on overall landscape appearance. Premises will be maintained year-round, litter free and in a manner deserving of the award.
- Newly landscaped areas will be eligible for an award one year after completion of landscaping.
- Winners automatically become eligible for the Keep Longview Beautiful Annual Award.
- Quarterly Award winners will be presented with:
- An outdoor sign for display on the winning property.
- Quarterly Beautification Award.
Annual Award Criteria
- Recipients will be selected from the Quarterly Keep Longview Beautiful Award winners.
- The Annual Award will be given at the Keep Longview Beautiful Appreciation Luncheon.
- Annual Award winner will be presented with:
- An outdoor sign for display on the winning property.
- A tree that may be planted on the winning property or donated for planting within Longview. An engraved plaque will accompany the tree. Winners may choose from a prearranged selection of trees and planting assistance will be provided if winner chooses to plant on City of Longview property..
2015 KLB Annual Awards: Allstate | The Butcher Shop | Calvary Tabernacle | Oleum Operating
2014 KLB Annual Award: Kyle’s Kwik Stop
2013 KLB Annual Award: McGough & McGough Dental
Excellence 2012 KLB Annual Award: LeTourneau Federal Credit Union
Appreciation Luncheon
FRIENDraising is an important part of the day-to-day workings of Keep Longview Beautiful. Non-profit work often involves a little pushing, a whole heap of being humble, creative thinking and a great deal of begging! Community partners and passionate citizens that show off their LOVE Longview mindset are the core supporters and our best friends! We like to give praise, kudos and sweet admiration to those that help us throughout the year! Our Appreciation Luncheon does just that….BIG HUGS to those that are avid thinkers and ‘doers’ for our community! Keep Longview Beautiful is honored, humbled and thankful to our friends.
Community Kuddos
Joy Global Inc. is a Fortune 1000 company in the mining industry. It manufactures and services heavy machinery used in underground and surface mining. The purpose of the Joy Global Foundation is to enhance the communities in which Joy Global and its subsidiaries operate. With this in consideration, Joy Global has blessed Keep Longview Beautiful with a $5,000 donation to go toward our new gift to Longview, a vibrant welcome entrance and community area at the intersection of SH 31 and Spur 63. KUDOS Joy Global for showing your LOVE Longview spirit!