Recycle Drop Off & Community Wide Clean Up!

Calling all zealous individuals, enthusiastic community leaders, avid businesses and passionate groups!
Be one of the 1,000+ volunteers for Longview Green & Clean!
Enjoy this HUGE citywide cleanup event sponsored by Keep Longview Beautiful and the City of Longview Recycling Program. All citizens, young and young at heart, are asked to join in the LOVE Longview spirit and pick up litter in their neighborhoods, parks, streets and around their commercial buildings.
Time & Location
- Saturday, April 11, 8 a.m. – Noon
- Lear Park, 100 H.G. Mosley Pkwy.
- The ‘CLEAN’ portion of Longview Green & Clean supports volunteers beautifying the community by reducing litter on streets, neighborhoods, and parks throughout Longview. Volunteers may work on the project/location of their choice or areas needing attention may be assigned to participating groups. Register NOW by emailing
- Report and Celebrate: After cleaning up volunteers are invited to Lear Park, to celebrate accomplishments with other volunteers! Supplies need to be returned and results reported at this time. Keep Longview Beautiful has goody bags and t-shirts for everyone while they last! First Bank & Trust East Texas will supply lunch from 11 a.m. – noon for all hardworking volunteers! Longview Fire Department will have their large ladder truck for display. Longview Police Department will have their SWAT truck for display.
- Cost: Free. You may secure clean up equipment 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., April 6 – 10 at the Keep Longview Beautiful office located inside the Longview Public Library, 222 W. Cotton St. Clean up equipment is limited.
- Contact: Keep Longview Beautiful at 903-212-4KLB (4552) or email us at
Green (Recycling)
- Date: Saturday, April 11 Time: 8 a.m. – Noon
- The ‘GREEN’ portion of Longview Green & Clean will be held at Lear Park, 100 H.G. Mosley Pkwy., and will offer recycling for Electronics, Glass, Motor oil & Filters, Plastic Bags, Batteries, etc.
- The Lion’s Club will be accepting used eyeglasses and Habitat for Humanity will be accepting donations of Building Material, Lumber and Scrap Metal.
- Paper shredding services and Tire Recycling will be provided for Longview Residents. Tire Recycling will require a current water bill and drivers’ license for proof of residence.
- This event is a great opportunity to recycle, as well as learn about places in Longview where people can recycle every day.